Karen writes: Hill repeats can be useful!
In the weekly training plan from Garyth there is one day in particular that makes me shudder. This is the day on the plan where a couple of small words appear, those words are 'hill repeats'. These dreaded sessions start with a short warm-up run, (oh the temptation to just keep running away from the hill), then plod, plod, plod up the hill, and shuffle shuffle shuffle down, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat etc. There was some suggestion that my tumble last week was a rather over-the-top way to get out of the hill repeats, it wasn't, but neither was I particularly sad to miss the nasty hill session planned for the next day.
But it turns out there is actually a practical use for hill repeats. I wish I had realised this over the years I didn't run because my partner was on call for coastguard and I couldn't leave the house in case he had to go out, leaving the children. This week he is on call, aha, solution, do hill repeats! So last night I ran up and down the hill which is very conveniently parked outside the house, I did it 13 times. It has a 10m elevation, is 250m long, and I was never more than a few minutes from home and never lost sight of the driveway! Who would have thought I could actually like that hill, and enjoy a session of hill repeats. The following screenshot does show that there are some gliches with my Nike+ run phone ap, the hills were actually all the same size which isn't apparent in the picture.
Something just made me laugh. A parcel has arrived from a supplier I haven't tried before. I used some new solid gels while I was out on Sunday's long run and really enjoyed them, but I had paid retail through a sports shop which just wasn't an ongoing option. I had to find somewhere that stocked them at a more reasonable price and eventually I located an online business offering a good deal. It did have a name with 'muscle' in it which probably should have given me a clue. Anyway, the parcel arrived promptly, it had exactly what I ordered, great. There was also a glossy magazine with some very bulked up people on the cover and a stack of lovely freebie samples of things with terrifying labels suggesting that ingestion will help me grow one of the pictured bodies. Wonderful customer service, thanks NZ Muscle, I adore freebies, but I don't think I'm quite in the game you might think I am. But then, who really knows what will happen if hill repeats are my new favourite exercise, will I get enraptured by push-ups and lunges and lifting thingys? Ah, no...
But it turns out there is actually a practical use for hill repeats. I wish I had realised this over the years I didn't run because my partner was on call for coastguard and I couldn't leave the house in case he had to go out, leaving the children. This week he is on call, aha, solution, do hill repeats! So last night I ran up and down the hill which is very conveniently parked outside the house, I did it 13 times. It has a 10m elevation, is 250m long, and I was never more than a few minutes from home and never lost sight of the driveway! Who would have thought I could actually like that hill, and enjoy a session of hill repeats. The following screenshot does show that there are some gliches with my Nike+ run phone ap, the hills were actually all the same size which isn't apparent in the picture.
Something just made me laugh. A parcel has arrived from a supplier I haven't tried before. I used some new solid gels while I was out on Sunday's long run and really enjoyed them, but I had paid retail through a sports shop which just wasn't an ongoing option. I had to find somewhere that stocked them at a more reasonable price and eventually I located an online business offering a good deal. It did have a name with 'muscle' in it which probably should have given me a clue. Anyway, the parcel arrived promptly, it had exactly what I ordered, great. There was also a glossy magazine with some very bulked up people on the cover and a stack of lovely freebie samples of things with terrifying labels suggesting that ingestion will help me grow one of the pictured bodies. Wonderful customer service, thanks NZ Muscle, I adore freebies, but I don't think I'm quite in the game you might think I am. But then, who really knows what will happen if hill repeats are my new favourite exercise, will I get enraptured by push-ups and lunges and lifting thingys? Ah, no...