Still...swim, cycle, run...walk

We've got some new staff at the organisation, which is now called "Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa".  Sitting at the lunch table answering questions on the topic of endurance training and eventing, it reminds me of how long we've been doing the longer exercise efforts now, and that we take for granted how much we've learned over the years.  

bike training isn't training without icecream
Someone asked about nutrition in a long event and  I spouted off a bunch of words about the exact makeup of the breakfast that I've spent so many years messing around with, said something about a gel here and a banana there and a bumper bar somewhere else and a salt tablet when whatever and the importance of recovery nutrition...and then realised it sounded very much like I actually had it sorted.  I have to admit I don't really.  I'm not sure if anyone can ever say they have everything 100% nutrition or hydration wise for all conditions and circumstances, you just keep refining and fiddling about and changing this and that in the hopes it will work even better next time.  Remembering always to practice lots BEFORE the actual race day, and also being prepared to change things on the go if something doesn't work out. Anyway, I referred my questioners to this blog to see how we started, then wondered if it was still here since I've not thought about it...I now realise...since last year.

And it turns out the blog is still here!  And so are Kate and myself.  And we are still doing what we started doing 'our way' back all those years ago.

So much 'still here' that tomorrow I head off to do the Rotorua Half Ironman, which has had a name change too and is now called "Suffer".  The Suffer is their word not mine but I agree in it 'fun suffering' maybe.  Anyway, Saturday morning early, as in 5:15 early, those of us in the 'super early' start take on that gorgeous 2 km swim in Lake Tikitapu, the daunting 90 km ride in the hills out past the aptly named Hell's Gate, and run the 21 km in the beautiful bush.  We'll be quickly caught up by the 'early' start who follow half an hour later, and then even more quickly by the 'main' start, but done this way it makes sure that us back-of-the-pack athletes don't end up spending too much time left by ourselves slogging it out when everyone else has gone home.  It's such a nice day out, even in the varied weather conditions... this year it looks to be another hot one. 

Kate did a half Ironman in Sydney a couple of weeks ago, but she's a little bit wistful about missing out on this weekend trip...I can understand that as I think about the incredible scenery, the camaraderie, hot pools, Icecream (of COURSE), and breakfast at the Fat Dog cafe on Sunday morning.  The husband is running the half marathon while I do the triathlon, he's the speedy one in the family, preferring greater effort over a shorter period of time, and of course, it means he's finished early enough to cheer me on as I stagger over the finish line.  I'm hoping for an under 8 hour effort...wish us luck. 

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