Karen writes: A bit about the Christchurch Diabetes Service experience...
One of our main motivations for completing our Ironman is to support our colleagues in Christchurch, so it was important for us to find out a bit about what was actually going on at a day-to-day level for them. Back in April this year Kate and myself sat spellbound with hundreds of others at the NZSSD (New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes) conference as a team from the Christchurch Diabetes Service and their partner organisation Diabetes Christchurch showed a series of pictures and described the impact of a disaster of an unprecedented scale on the city of Christchurch. They made it very real to us how staff who didn't know what was happening with their own lives and families, some having massive damage to own homes, still pulled together and kept going for each other and their patients and amazingly remained optimistic and positive. Kit Hoeben, the Diabetes Centre Manager kindly provided us with some information he and his team had put together to share with you, plea...